PHP Enabled Hosting

What is PHP and where to find providers that support it?

Hypertext Preprocessor, or most commonly called PHP, is an open source server side programing language. PHP is extensively used in web design and web development today and it can be written as a script that will reside on your server and, when called upon, will produce an HTML output to the browser. PHP can be also easily embedded within HTML pages. It is important to save these pages with a PHP extension in order for them to function properly. For example if you decide to embed PHP into a page named “index” it should be saved on your server as “index.php” instead of “index.html”.

Today almost every web hosting provider offers PHP support for their client’s web sites, partially do to the fact that PHP has become so popular in the web development.

So what are the benefits of PHP?

Faster browsing.

As with Java Scripts and other scripting languages, PHP ads more capabilities and helps to execute more complicated operations on your website. Generally PHP utilizes such databases as MySQL to store and then process data on your website. The data is preprocessed on the server before it is send to users browser which speeds up your web site’s load time and generally eases Internet browsing. PHP also does not need to rely on external applications to execute the code, which contributes greatly to websites speed.

Dynamic Websites.

Utilizing PHP scripts you can create dynamic websites that can react to users input. PHP stores users input into variables that can pass and execute onto other code, which in turn can draw data and perform comparisons.

PHP offers wonderful ways to enhance any website, and most important it is much easier to learn than other scripting language. In the future it is likely to replace completely HTML , but for sure it has already changed the way we build websites.

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