WordPress vs TypePad- Poll

While some of my friends think that WordPress sucks, I am a huge fan of the blogging platform. I would recommend WordPress to any one for any purpose. So whenever I get an e-mail asking me to recommend something else “as compared” to WordPress, I feel like exploding. So hopefully after this post no one will ask me to compare anything to WordPress (yeah right!). Yes I am a bias. But hopefully readers and visitors to this blog are not as bias as I am….

The other day I have received and e-mail in which I was asked to help making a choice between WordPress and TypePad. I did not answer the e-mail. Instead I decided to ask readers and visitors to help me out.

Please tell me why do you recommend either of the blogging platforms.

I would really love to hear why did you choose one over another- please explain it in the comments.

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  • Vlad Dec 12, 2008, 9:49 am


    Thanks for stopping by. I actually have stopped the poll since I am suspecting some “astroturfing” was taken place.

    I am with you on WordPress.

  • Karrine Dec 12, 2008, 1:55 am

    Didn’t make it in time to vote. WORDPRESS. It is more then a blogging platform. It is a content Manager as well and the updates mean that the developers actually oh my – are you ready ? ? ‘Listen’ AND ‘develop’ making the platform better and better based on user feedback.

    If you have a ‘dream’ Wordpress can make it happen 🙂

  • Vlad Dec 11, 2008, 7:58 pm

    Igor thanks for stopping by. I am actually surprised that I got so many TypePad fans. But considering how condescending they are towards WordPress on their own blog I would not be surprised that Six Apart’s employee are offering their votes (of course it is only my opinion 😉 ) …. good for me I guess, finally the little known blog like mine got noticed by a “big” developer.

  • Igor The Troll Dec 11, 2008, 7:31 pm

    WordPress rocks! Just do a Cpanel installation and you are a publisher in 5 minutes.

  • Brian Chappell Dec 10, 2008, 11:45 am

    I like wordpress simply for the fact of the community around it. The only problem I have generally with it is the blasted version updates.